Wednesday, March 12, 2008

hump day.

"take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop."
~ ovid

ok, i have this orchid and i think it's the very least it is making my room smell like dirt which makes me think it's moldy or something. i have had it long enough to know that i will stick to plants that grow out of doors in the future because the rain and sun take care of them to their liking for the most part. an orchid is fussy and more like an animal than i would like at this point in my life. any ideas on saving the thing would be appreciated, although i think it will just be sent to my grandma's for a while because she is the plant whisperer...i'll just tell the windowsill, she's gone to rehab!

besides the funky smell coming from my exotic pain in the behind, i am in a rut with my bedroom. i live at home with my parents (gasp now or forever hold your peace), and while my room is spacious, it is filled with my crap that i may or may not have a use for in the future, but i can't let go of anything. it is a white-walled, beige-carpeted, boring mess. i am looking for a corkboard which will liven things up a little once i get it covered with everything i have horded with this space in mind, but besides that what do i do with a lack of storage and overflow-age of stuff? suggestions (on a budget), por favor.

i have been thinking though, that i would like to start collecting things (shocker after the confession of the previous paragraph!) that i would like to have in my life so that by the time i have a house/apartment/abode/rv - i will have accumulated items that add to my life in a way that makes me happy, not overwhelmed. at the very least, i will have a very public record of my "would-likes", here goes:

i would like a vintage metal circular rolodex (the kind that spins!) and instead of contacts, i want to file all of my collected quotes and be able to spin to them at any given time. right now i have no system, so when i know i have something written somewhere that means that it could be in a notebook, in a file, on my computer, on floppy discs from 2 computers's NOT conducive to my joy of quotes. so i'm putting this out into the universe, i would like a clunky and modern-day-useless circular card file - and i will roam flea markets & shoppes until i find one i cannot live without!

i've said it and now i will deconstruct ten magazines to make room for it in my life (of course i will save the ideas and recycle the ads) i have googled and searched on ebay, but i think i need to see & touch this to be certain that i can make it work as a system, but again any ideas of good places to search are always appreciated.

it's been a long week & it's only wednesday, so i'm sending out thoughts to everyone for an easy breezy thursday!

1 comment:

Emilia Jane said...

I'm glad you like your necklace! I wish I could help you with the orchid but I can't keep anything alive. I'll keep my eye out for tips though!